Breeding Goals

At Cross Timber Gundogs our breeding program’s mission and focus is on producing top-quality versatile Pudelpointers with strong natural abilities that excel in the field, water and home. Below we have listed, in no particular order, some key attributes that we look for in our breeding stock:

Cross Timber’s Breeding Goals:

  • A friendly disposition towards both dogs and humans along with the ability to relax at home when not working.

  • High trainability. One that a motivated first-time handler can train themselves.

  • A natural affinity for water and strong retrieving instincts.
  • Mental stability, toughness and patience to endure harsh conditions in the wet and cold as that is when waterfowl hunting is often at its best.
  • In the field, our preference tends towards a dog with a little more range. As a rule, the Pudelpointer is very connected to its owner and rarely “self-hunts.”
  • Early maturing, strong pointing instincts, while exhibiting style and intensity.
  • We take note of the dog with the exceptional nose who locates their quarry at a distance.
  • We look for that delicate balance of independence and cooperation that creates an unmistakable bond and team effort between dog and handler that leads to both productive and pleasurable days afield.
  • A protective, harsh, dense, short to medium length, flat lying coat is preferred, while still possessing the distinctive beard and furnishings the breed is known for. Note: For us, it will always be “performance first”, and therefore, we will sometimes breed a dog having a coat that is not our personal preference if we consider them to be in the upper percentile as an overall hunting dog.
  • A dog of medium build, and one possessing a leggy appearance built to move. We feel a medium built dog best suits our hunting needs as it possesses enough body mass for staying warm in the duck blind, but it is not so large that it tires out quickly while upland hunting. This is the balancing act that is the versatile hunting dog.
  • We do our due diligence to seek out breeding stock free of genetic problems as this leads to a more productive and longer-lasting career as a hunting and family companion. A talented hunting dog must possess good health to be able to exhibit their superior hunting traits over the long haul.

The truth is that there are no “perfect” dogs. By having a list of goals (or ideals) as our guide, Cross Timber Gundogs hopes to move the genetic needle a little closer to what we consider perfection.

NAVHDA testing

Standardized Hunt Tests have been utilized to maintain the Pudelpointer breed at a high-performance level since the 1800’s when in Germany the breed was conceived and developed. At Cross Timber Gundogs we honor and appreciate this tradition. We test all our breeding dogs within NAVHDA. The unbiased three-judge assessment that the NAVHDA testing system offers is very helpful to both buyers and breeders. Performances in NAVHDA Hunt Tests are valued in our breeding program as they provide some insight into inherited abilities as well as the trainability of a dog. As members of the North American Pudelpointer Alliance (NAPPA) we are committed to breeding dogs that meet or exceed their breeding requirements. It is our humble opinion, however, that breeders relying on top test scores and titles “alone” in making their breeding decisions will likely miss the mark if their goal is to produce the very best the breed has to offer. The most discriminating breeder views performances in hunt tests as merely a starting place in the selection of breeding stock.

proving grounds

Hunt Test performances provide only half of the necessary data needed in determining whether a specific dog has the “right stuff” that Cross Timber Gundogs is looking for as we strive to move the genetic needle in the direction of our ultimate goals. At Cross Timber Gundogs, upon passing certain hunt test(s) with at least minimum scores, our breeding stock must also demonstrate their capabilities doing what they were bred to do on wild birds and under conditions that only doing the real thing can replicate. The uplands where immense drive and endurance is required; the duck blind where patience and mental stability is necessary; icy, late season cold water retrieves; the dove field, etc. are where the ultimate and final proving grounds exists for us. Our breeding stock not only must pass health clearances, and be unbiasedly evaluated by a three-judge panel in NAVHDA hunt tests, but they also must prove themselves on wild game in actual tough hunting conditions where we take note of each dog’s unique strengths and weaknesses to determine what male/female pairings have the best chance of improving on the current generation.